My Tips and Tricks

5 Quick Steps to Achieve Proper Border Measurements

  1. Take 3 measurements of your flat quilt.

  2. Add 1+2+3=X

  3. X divided by 3 = this is your border length.

  4. When applying borders mark center and quarter marks on the border and quilt edge. Pin (yes, I said pin lol) matching up your pins.

  5. Repeat for the other side.

    This should greatly reduce wavy borders!

Stitching 101

  • If your outermost border is pieced, stay stitching 1/8” around the circumference will ensure edges are sewn and flat.

  • Stay stitching is also beneficial when blocks are “on point “or fabric is cut on the bias to minimize stretching.

  • Stay stitching can also be used to reduce minor waviness in borders.

Fabric and Washing

  • Trim all loose threads from the back of the quilt. Once loaded the only way to remove it is with a fine crochet hook.

  • Wash your finished quilt with a cup of salt and dye catchers to help set the dye...thus reducing bleeding onto your finished quilt. Only damp dry.

  • If your fabric feels starched or stiff please wash I get too much grit in my machine. Damp dry.

Thread Control

  • I do my best to control stray threads (yours and mine ) However if you find a long one of mine in the middle of your quilt don’t clip it. I do reinforce stops and starts but always safer to burry them.

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